Thanks to the latest techniques offered by assisted reproduction technology, Salut Empordà Healthcare offers couples having difficulties in conceiving the opportunity to fulfil their dream of having children. The fertility experts of this complementary service offer in vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination techniques - using partner or donor sperm - and personalised care; taking into account the specific needs of each person.
In addition, the centre is home to a Gynaecology and Obstetrics department; which means our doctors will work together to offer patients care during the stages of conception, pregnancy and birth - all in the same medical centre. The Assisted Reproduction Department helps people with fertility issues using techniques performed in accordance with the general standards for indication and application of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), established in accordance with the National Health System (Sistema Nacional de Salut).
To ensure a good monitoring of your pregnancy, the team works closely with medical experts from other specialities to satisfy the needs of each mother.